The artwork presented here, which ponders new dressing rooms for domestic architecture, is rendered in ink and graphite on watercolor paper.
Closet Plan, 44"x30"
Closet Section, 60"x22"
James Joyce and his novel "Finnegan's Wake" became the foundation upon which this design was generated. Stephen Heath in his essay on Joyce, "Ambivalences: Notes for Reading Joyce" discusses the role of myths in Joyce's work. Heath interprets myth as a "...way of controlling, of giving order to the immense panorama which is contemporary history". This notion can be applied to the cabinet, or the closet as it is known as in modern usage. The closet is essentially a chaotic mass of memory fragments. With this in mind the design presented here endeavors to use myth as an instrument to re-present the closet. This new closet is intended to be inserted into contemporary and past domestic architecture. By merging the two a new era and fashion in which domestic architecture can begin.